BEYOND THE HEADLINES: In-depth news and commentary
United States
U.S. can't afford superpower status any longer . America needs to come home.
Obama created Bin Laden death as a "Hollywood production" to cement his re-election. Bin Laden died from kidney failure in Hadhramaut, Yemen in late 2001 or early 2002.
Intelligence community scoring propaganda points with domestic U.S. ISIL fears. How else will they pass the ill-named "FREEDOM Act" to extend the PATRIOT Act?
State Dept. pettier and more vindictive than during Cold War. Department run by a bunch of Soros-trained spoiled brats.
Biden's statements about Israel are mere pandering to Jewish voters in event he runs for President in 2016. Biden speaks to WINEP, a pro-Israel pressure group.
America's "death squads in blue." American police are no different than Latin American death squads of recent past decades. The corporate press refuses to face facts.
GOP hopefuls make pilgrimage to Las Vegas to seek Sheldon Adelson's cash . It might be called the "Kosher Haj."
Climate change deniers take millions to smear climate scientists. God save our planet from the Kochs and their awful ilk.
Hillary's Doctrine: "We came, we saw, they died." Another term for Clinton & Clinton, Inc. will be a disaster for the United States and the world.
Rubio savages Iran deal to court south Florida Jewish voters. Rubio, a panderer's panderer.
Geopolitical plate tectonics shifting U.S. away from center stage. The "American brand" has lost its luster.
Kerry rewrites history of U.S. support for "color revolutions." Laughingly claims the U.S. doesn't support them.
Senile old men and their Westphalian fantasies . For McCain, Kissinger, Brzezinski, and Scowcroft, 1648 is just last week.
The Netanyahu Speech: A longtime taboo can now be broken. Criticism of an Israeli leader is now vogue in DC.
Obama must be wary of an Israeli-led "JFK solution." The last president to dramatically break with Israel was JFK.
Neocons continue to dominate U.S. foreign policy. Continuous wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria part of the grand cabalistic scheme.
Obama's New (Old) Iraq War. Global war on terror version 2.0.
U.S. congressmembers more loyal to Israel than America. None dare call it treason.
U.S. Congress is "Israeli-occupied territory." Rand Paul is latest to kow-tow to the "Lobby."
Putin will not be intimidated by new US sanctions . Neocons want new Cold War.
2014's Watershed Events . Forget those U.S.-centric stories.
The CIA's "Financial Pearl Harbor" attacks on Russia and Venezuela . Industrial sabotage of Saudi oil fields.
Congressional foreign policy resolutions on Ukraine, Russia, and Venezuela a sign of things to come from GOP-led Congress . GOP Congress will dictate U.S. foreign policy and Obama will go along.
Brennan must be held accountable for torture . Brennan an architect of rendition and interrogation program.
Get rid of the CIA. WMR takes hard line on agency in interview.
Obama consulted with McCain on SecDef nominee. McCain pushed for Joe Lieberman . That is one heckuva dossier Mossad has on old "Johnny Wet Start, the Edith Piaf of Hanoi."
U.S. Middle East policy mess caused Hagel to quit as SecDef . And who can blame him?
Obama a placebo for civil rights. Police brutality has gotten worse under Obama. U.S. hypocritically lectures the rest of the world on human rights.
Hagel's head delivered to neocons on a silver platter. Rice and Power want their war against Assad and they will stop at nothing to get it.
The Republican Götterdämmerung . The GOP and neocons will use the Senate to clamor for war on numerous fronts.
CIA provided seed capital to most social networking companies. They include Facebook and Google.
Obama's depression. And not the economic variety.
War against ISIL has critics on both sides of political aisle. Democrats and Republicans oppose being mired into another Middle Eastern conflict.
Biden begins to separate himself from Obama foreign policy neocons like Susan Rice, Samantha Power, and Ben Rhodes as he prepares to run for president in 2016.
9/11 turned NATO into global treaty alliance . NATO now an unstoppable monster.
Fort Detrick's weaponization of Ebola. German government confirms operation.
The Kiev Candy King comes begging to Washington . Neocons drooling on themselves.
John McCain requires psychiatric care . War-mongering Senator makes absolutely no sense with his constant babbling.
Media spies put all journalists in danger. CIA's traditional ban on use of journalists as spies is no longer enforced.
"Shock and Awe" Comes to America. The militarization and Nazification of police forces lay the groundwork for death and destabilization, just as in Gaza and eastern Ukraine.
Washington accuses Russia of backing eastern Ukrainian secessionists while the CIA backs right-wing secessionists around the world . Another deep dish of hypocrisy served by the Obama administration.
Obama's Africa Summit was a corporate and military love fest. Ebola hung in the background as deals were cut to exploit Africa's resources.
NSA expanding surveillance operations worldwide. New NSA intercept sites in Poland, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, India, Finland, and UK.
A Tea Party whacko, Ted Yoho, faces a moderate GOP challenger . Jake Rush stands up to Jim Crow South throwback.
Northwoods and MH-17. False flags are an inherent part of U.S. military doctrine.
The resurrection of the neocons. Discredited war mongers are back.
Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. Orwell's "1984" is no longer fiction.
America's Enthusiasm for the Status Quo. Obama shows his loyalty to the United Kingdom, Europesn Union, and all things globalist in nature.
Ice Station Obama . Get ready for a real cold war.
Washington Spies on NATO; other allies. NSA's insatiable appetite for information on everything.
The "Corker" in U.S.-Russian relations. Bob Corker is a malevolent factor in stoking the sahes of the Cold War.
The Obama Doctrine: Replacing democratically-elected governments by undemocratic fiat. It's basically the Nixon Doctrine implemented by a fist-bump.
Wealthy U.S. Apparatchiks defend the New World Order. They work for the CFR and global bankers.
America's "Magic Majority" at the UN. A false majority.
Voice of rationality on Crimea from some Americans . Not everyone is buying into yet another neocon propaganda circus.
Cold War CIA Coup Templates Back in Business around the World. Washington dusts off an old playbook for Venezuela, Ukraine, and Thailand with an old CIA covert operative inside the Oval Office.
U.S. Senate showdown over Iran sanctions a showdown between White House and AIPAC. First major defeat for the "Amen Choir." Break out the champagne . . . our long national nightmare may be coming to an end.
Snowden being demonized by right-wing war hawks as a Russian spy. Rogers, McCaul, and Feinstein open their pie holes.
Netanyahu's US Senate puppets try to upend Obama's opening to Iran. Menendez and Schumer at top of traitor list.
U.S. sets bad example with modernization of nuclear arsenal. Uncle Sam is, once again, a total hypocrite.
The Obama Sanction: Roughing up diplomats for political and intelligence gain. Obama is a mask of color fronting for a racist infrastructure.
The Obama Doctrine: Imperialism masked as humanitarian interventionism. Obama's war drums and MAP.
Latin America
The Nuland/Soros color revolution is now underway in Macedonia. There is one hitch for Soros: the term "Sorosite" is now lingua franca in Macedonia. Which means one European nation is finally on to you Mr. Gyorgy Schwartz, aka $oro$. Russian Foreign Minist ry veri fies this report.
U.S. and Soros rely on "extreme Balkanization" to block pipeline . Macedonia is in the crosshairs.
Beware of Soros & the Koch brothers and micro-nations . Pseudo-states may be latest weapon of destabilization. A perfect example of the new political use of micro-nations is the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands . Some micronations are semi-legitimate and many are non-threatening acts of humor.
Neo-cons try to erase Russia from the history of World War II. Washington and NATO make common cause with neo-Nazis and pro-German revanchists. Analysis of article by Sputnik News.
Netanyahu charged that Scandinavia is part of "conspiracy" against him. The opposite is the case.
Kiev pushing for NATO war with Russia. The neocon plan is for constant warfare.
The West's biased mediators in Ukraine. "Mediators" back Kiev.
Nuland's attempted Kiev Version 2.0 coup in Skopje. Neocons should be rounded up and microchipped. We should always know where they are and what they're up to.
Balkans next ersatz state: Vojvodina. NATO's agents are already stirring up independence trouble.
Gulen and the CIA ties a major story in Turkish media . WMR interview promo.
Kerry cementing U.S. arms flow to Ukraine. Kerry takes on role of Reagan officials during Iran-contra.
Obama is already providing lethal weapons to Ukraine -- covertly -- like Reagan supplied the contras of Nicaragua. Both govern with the assistance of the lie.
Is new Greek finance minister a Soros Trojan horse? His background suggests so.
Charlie Hebdo and anti-Gentilism . Charlie, Pussy Riot, and FEMEN are all part of the same construct to debase Christianity and Islam.
Croatia's new President. She is the NATO Queen . "You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life. See that girl, watch that scene, digging the NATO Queen."
The curtain rises on another act in the never-ending global war on terror play. This made- up drama is getting old.
U.S. citizens continue to be embedded in Eastern European countries. Ukraine's Finance Minister and Estonia's President are all convenient American plants on Russia's doorstep.
The outsourcing of influence-peddling to the Israeli Lobby. Case in point: Georgia and Abkhazia.
NATO's "Drang Nach Osten" ("Thrust to the East") . NATO is accomplishing what Adolf Hitler could only dream of.
America's Eastern European torture lackeys say, "What torture?" Poles, Romanians, and Lithuanians proclaim ignorance.
Israel uses neo-Nazi parties to block Palestine recognition legislation in Europe. Zionists and Nazis -- an old alliance that has staying power.
Israel readying "Israel II" in Ukraine. The story behind the Kiev coup and regime. The program is fully underway.
Secession in NATO's Achilles's Heel. Independence desires from Venice to Bornholm and Faroes to Catalonia shaking up NATO war planners.
Putin's group privacy rights a welcome addition to international human rights law . Human rights are not just for gays and degenerate groups like FEMEN and Pussy Riot.
The Anglos are experts at reneging on sovereignty promises. Mad dogs and Englishmen: not generally trustworthy.
London's devious plans for the Scottish independence referendum . Prepare for vote rigging on the scale of Quebec's 1995 referendum.
Get ready for the "Global Treaty Organization." How the Pacific Ocean, South Atlantic, and Indian Ocean are being swallowed up by the North Atlantic.
Barosso is just another fake Portuguese "socialist." Departing EU Commission President a longtime tool of the CIA and NATO.
Obama, Merkel policies on Ukraine and Russia sanctions are bankrupt. Obama is shilling for Russian-Israeli exiled oligarchs like Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
Theresa Ma y raises the discredited Litvinenko canard . In its war with Russia, Britain using every information warfare arrow in its quiver.
Putin checkmates Obama in his own South American backyard . BRICS established global bank and may soon become BRICSIANSE.
Something is rotten in the state of Denmark . And it's not the Havarti cheese.
MH-17: Beware of the "Chameleon." Gangster Ukrainian oligarch has his own army and missile launchers in eastern Ukraine. Why is the corporate media ignoring him? He's a Zionist and an Israeli citizen.
Obama acts as George Soros's mouthpiece in Poland. Obama heralds return to Cold War on trip to Europe.
Europe's new "Far Right" is not so far right after all. Euroscepticism does not mean neo-fascism.
Bilderberg Elite Gather in Denmark to "Circle their Wagons." The oligarchs are nervous.
Doctor Strangelove returns as General Breedlove. For NATO commander, it's how much throw weight he can toss at the Fulda Gap.
CIA: Photoshopping a crisis into war. Children play with toys and sometimes they hurt themselves.
Brennan in Ukraine can only mean that the U.S. is already engaged militarily in Ukrainian civil war. Brennan is the most aggressive CIA director since Richard Helms.
Obama's and Brennan's big lie. Wherever Brennan goes, there will be blood.
"Brennan Kiev" on menu in Ukraine . CIA up to no good as usual.
Poroshenko says not so fast on NATO. Beware, this Ukrainian presidential candidate flip flops more than John Kerry. Article being troll rated by Scientologists who are on the war path after article (below) on two Scientologists in high government positions in eastern Europe. Assistance requested.
The Charge of the Scientology Brigade. Note: This article is being troll-rated by Scientologists and Ukrainian right-wingers. Assistance requested.
Corporatist West only approves independence referenda if they are in their own self-interests. Hypocrisy on full display over Crimea.
U.S. violating federal law on assistance to Ukraine. Obama believes if you like your laws, you can't keep your laws.
Phone Wrecks: The Secret Agenda of Ashton and Nuland Revealed. These two talk too much and are exactly the types SIGINT agencies yearn for.
Compare Russia's bloodless assistance to Crimea to America's bloody military interventions in Grenada and Panama after "invitations" from puppets. America is a citadel of hypocrisy.
Russia can turn back "Captive Nations" Cold War ploy on the United States. Governments-in-exile can be used as diplomatic weapons by Moscow.
Massive PSYOP against Ukraine by NSA and GCHQ. PowerPoint slides from Snowden reveal all.
U.S. supports neo-Nazi party in Ukrainian "government." More proof that U.S. foreign policy is dysfunctional.
Time for a SCO indirect offensive strategy against the Obama-Cameron-Harper doctrine (OCH ). OCH champions violence and insurrection against democratically-elected governments. Two sides can play at that game, however.
CIA, Nazis, and Ukrainian nationalists . It's still the same old story.
The Ukrainian-American cabal behind the stoking of violence in Ukraine. It all started with a newspaper and a crank named Lev Dobriansky.
Ukraine is neo-con testing ground for Russia. The fall of Kyiv for the neo-cons is seen as the last step on the way to Moscow.
Cameron and Rajoy form axis against independence referenda in Scotland and Catalonia. Call this the "Axis of Weevils."
Greenbacks for Blue Buckets. The USAID/Soros blue bucket invasion of Russia. .
Meet neocon "Doughnut Dolly" Victoria Nuland. State Department official acts as "comfort woman" for rent-a-mob in Maidan Square.
Snowden safer in Russia than Brazil. U.S. can act with impunity n Latin America.
Ukraine: NATO's eastern prize. U.S. sends in Johnny "Wet Start" McCain in first wave of NATO invasion.
Swedish and Finnish alliances with NSA abrogate their neutrality. More details will emerge of Nordic cooperation with FIVE EYES.
The CIA's plan for "Pan-Turania" to replace the USSR. CIA's plan was conceived in Nazi-ruled Berlin.
Desperately seeking Snowden. British intelligence in Moscow has lead on locating and trying to rendition NSA whistleblower.
After Oslo: Time to crack down on Mossad terrorism . Israel's powerful global hasbara (propaganda) machine working overtime to eliminate Israeli connection to carnage in Norway.
Middle East
Saving Christians in the Middle East from the pseudo-Islamist blood cult of ISIL . ISIL's support network extends through Riyadh, Jerusalem, and Langley.
Israel's Future Vision of the Middle East. The Islamic State's unholy alliance with Israel.
Obama's possible punishment for Netanyahu: a "yes" vote or abstention in the Security Council on Palestinian membership and statehood . Even a U.S. abstention would send a strong message across Israel's bow.
King Salman: terrorism financier and drug money launderer. That's whose ass Obama is kissing at Abdullah's memorial service.
Israel and ISIL: comrades-in-arms. Evidence points to Jerusalem's links with the ISIL cult army.
Nuclear talks extension with Iran a good sign of potential progress . The neocons in DC will try to sabotage these talks, however.
Will a neo-socialist oasis re-emerge in South Arabia? Al-Hirak poised to lead a restored-independence South Yemen.
U.S. doing a great job -- of arming ISIL. U.S. missiles ended up in ISIL hands in Syria.
Meet the "Beast of SAVAK." Chief torturer Parviz Sabaeti lives in comfort just a few miles from Disney World. "It's a small world after all?"
The anti-ISIL "dream team." However, with Zio-con control of the U.S. government, it will remain only a dream.
U.S. playing double game in Syria. There have more U.S. attacks on Assad forces than on ISIL.
Neocons create another mess in the Middle East. What is needed is for mayhem in the streets of Tel Aviv, Haifa, and Doha, and Riyadh, as well as the disintegration of the Judenreich and the Wahhabist princely states . That will teach the neocons to not destabilize the entire Middle East for their own Juden lebensraum and takfiri aims.
The approaching US quagmire in Syria and Iraq. Obama falling for neocon intrigue.
U.S. heading for potential quagmire in Syria and Iraq . Obama channeling Dubya and Reagan.
U.S. and Israel have opposing interests with ISIL. Israel is working against Obama in Iraq and Syria.
The only smart way to fight ISIL. U.S. must bury the hatchets with Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah.
Hillary Clinton is the "Grandmother of the Islamic Caliphate." The war-wench's "masterpieces" are now on full display in Mosul, Kirkuk, Golan, Tripoli, and Deir al-Zour
U.S. should slap total arms embargo on Israel. But 100 percent of Congress is owned by AIPAC.
Obama administration created ISIL and is now panicked over them. Brennan, Rice, and Power, the three most responsible for rise of ISIL, must be sacked.
Brennan secretly supports ISIL fighters in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Brennan enjoys seeing Yazidis, Kurds, and Christians being murdered by Saudi- and Qatari-financed Takfiri jihadists in Iraq and the Levant.
"Bandar Bush" calling the shots in Riyadh again. Shaikh Brennan running his own fiefdom at the CIA, Bandar Bush giving orders to the Saudi king, and Netanyahu on a blood rampage. The "perfect storm" for something major.
U.S., Israel, Sauds backing Takfiri terrorists. ISIL a CIA construct.
Shekels for American lives. Netanyahu puts American travelers' lives in danger after he pressures U.S. to lift flight ban.
Saudiphile CIA director "El Haj" John Brennan behind rise of ISIL. America's most influential terrorist financier is driven to work every morning to Langley, Virginia.
Kurdistan's independence bid popular in Israel. The Kurds have a history of being double-crossed by other regional actors.
Missing Saddam. Iraq wouldn't be a hive of terrorism if the U.S. left Iraqi strongman in power.
While All Eyes Were on Ukraine, the West Hatched a Plan for Yemen. UK & US drew up the new internal borders.
Front page greeting President Obama in Saudi Arabia. Shaikh Brennan will be angry.
John McCain should be arrested for supporting Al Qaeda. McCain's status protects him from punishment meted out to U.S. minorities accused of supporting Al Qaeda.
Obama trying to make nice with the regime in Riyadh. Obama visit to Saudi Arabia the work of "Shaikh Brennan" of the CIA.
Who is in the Geneva-II driver's seat. The West stands weak against Assad and Russia. Also found here.
Answer to Salafist terrorism in Africa? A couple of well-targeted cruise missiles on some royal palaces in Riyadh and Jeddah .
The AIPACing of the United Nations . Israel's voting bloc at Turtle Bay in total lock-step with Israel.
Meet the Donmeh: One of the most influential sects you've never heard about. And meet their Saudi cousins.
Israel continues to rely on polemics . Netanyahu's shameful UN speech.
9/11 and the Strategy of Tension . Cui bono from 9/11?
9/11: Unanswered Questions. Biggest conspiracy theory is the now-discredited 9/11 Commission Report.
South Pacific