October 24-26, 2016 -- Guest Article: The Killing of Osama bin Laden hoax

By Moeen Raoof

One of the greatest deceptions in recent US history was the biggest hoax of them all, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the head of the Al Qaeda terror group, on the night of May 2, 2011 by U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six of the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group (DEVGRU).

We are led to believe that the most wanted man in the world was hold-up in a compound in the Pakistani cantonment city of Abbottabad, one of the largest military cantonment areas in the country. Bin Laden's compound was allegedly opposite a major military complex and right under the noses of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), the equivalent to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The astounding story really boggles the mind.

As the story goes, SEAL Team Six entered Pakistani airspace during the night of May 2, 2011, at 1 am local time, on board two Sikosky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters. The aircraft are said to have taken off from the city of Jalalabad, in Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, heading for the city of Abbottabad in Pakistan's Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (formerly known as the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP)), located in a neighbouring sovereign nation and covering a distance of approximately 158 miles.

Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk

Furthermore, the two Black Hawk helos are said to have been in the Abbottabad OBL compound area for approximately 40 minutes, with engines running. One Black Hawk was hovering in the air near the compound, while the second helo hovered over the compound where the SEALs slid down ropes into the compound. Aboard the two helos we are told were 25 SEALs, an interpreter, and a tracking dog.

According to reports about the raid, one of the Black Hawks started to shudder uncontrollably in the thin air of the night heat in Pakistan, forcing the pilot to attempt landing the craft. After the tail and rotor hit a wall in the compound, the helo crashed, nose down in the dirt. Luckily, all personnel, including the two pilots, evacuated into the outer courtyard of the building.

The two helos were carrying a full load of personnel with weapons, ammunition, night vision goggles, and full kit, including bulletproof vests, boots, helmets, and extra magazines. The equipment required a minimized strain on the two helos, resulting in the absence of external fuel tanks with their extra fuel loads. Special operations required that with weather factored in, cargo was calculated down to the ounce. In this case, the total distance the helos could cover was 368 miles. The helos were specifically manufactured by Sikorsky for special operations, with mufflers added to the tail rotor and engine sound minimized. Maximum weight load was 11 personnel, not including the pilots.

Taking into account the distance covered from Jalalabad to Abbottabad, 158 miles, and hovering for 40 minutes, or so, equates to a distance of 231 miles from Abbottabad. Total distance, not including hovering period of 40 minutes, would have been 389 miles, with no mention of refueling stop either in Pakistan or Afghanistan. According to the Sikorsky UH-60's performance statistics, the helo has a combat radius of 368 miles.

One of the greatest mysteries regarding the OBL Raid of May 2, 2011, is that Bin Laden was not even wanted for the 9/11 attacks.  The FBI Most Wanted Fugitive poster does not mention the attacks at all.


The “official” White House press release stated the following regarding the OBL raid and killing:

Nineteen SEALs would enter the compound, and three of them would find bin Laden, one official said, providing the exact numbers for the first time. The second [helicopter] was to hover above the roof to drop SEALs there, then land more SEALs outside, plus an interpreter and the dog, who would track anyone who tried to escape and to alert SEALs to any approaching Pakistani security forces. If troops appeared, the plan was to hunker down in the compound, avoiding armed confrontation with the Pakistanis while officials in Washington negotiated their passage out. The two SEAL teams inside would work toward each other, in a simultaneous attack from above and below, their weapons silenced, guaranteeing surprise, one of the officials said. They would have stormed the building in a matter of minutes, as they'd done time and again in two training models of the compound. The other aircraft did not even attempt hovering, landing its SEALs outside the compound. Now, the raiders were outside, and they'd lost the element of surprise. They had trained for this, and started blowing their way in with explosives, through walls and doors, working their way up the three-level house from the bottom. They had to blow their way through barriers at each stair landing, firing back, as one of the men in the house fired at them. They shot three men as well as one woman, whom US officials have said lunged at the SEALs. Small knots of children were on every level, including the balcony of bin Laden's room. As three of the SEALs reached the top of the steps on the third floor, they saw bin Laden standing at the end of the hall. The Americans recognized him instantly, the officials said. Bin Laden also saw them, dimly outlined in the dark house, and ducked into his room.

The three SEALs assumed he was going for a weapon, and one by one they rushed after him through the door, one official described. Two women were in front of bin Laden — yelling and trying to protect him, two officials said. The first SEAL grabbed the two women and shoved them away, fearing they might be wearing suicide bomb vests, they said. The SEAL behind him opened fire at bin Laden, putting one bullet in his chest, and one in his head. It was over in a matter of seconds. Back at the White House Situation Room, word was relayed that bin Laden had been found, signaled by the code word "Geronimo."  That was not bin Laden's code name, but rather a representation of the letter "G."  Each step of the mission was labelled alphabetically, and "Geronimo" meant that the raiders had reached step "G," the killing or capture of bin Laden, two officials said. As the SEALs began photographing the body for identification, the raiders found an AK-47 rifle and a Russian-made Makarov pistol on a shelf by the door they'd just run through. Bin Laden hadn't touched them. They were among a handful of weapons that were removed to be inventoried. It took approximately 15 minutes to reach bin Laden, one official said. The next 23 or so were spent blowing up the broken chopper, after rounding up nine women and 18 children, to get them out of range of the blast. One of the waiting Chinooks flew in to pick up bin Laden's body, the raiders from the broken aircraft and the weapons, documents and other materials seized at the site.

The helicopters flew back to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, and the body was flown to a waiting U.S. Navy ship for bin Laden's burial at sea, ensuring no shrine would spring up around his grave.


White House Situation Room during the OBL compound raid.

Had a Boeing CH-47 Chinook twin-engine tandem rotor heavy-lift helo entered Pakistani airspace and landed or hovered over the OBL Compound in clear sight of one of the largest military bases in Pakistan, it would have been heard long before it would have been seen. Therefore, the scenario of being detained in the compound with Washington having to negotiate their safe passage would have taken place in real time, yet not one of these scenarios came into play. Those familiar with the Chinook helo would be familiar with its size and sound and would be astounded that this craft could enter a built-up area without being noticed.

Boeing CH-47 Chinook

Here is where the greatest raid story starts to unravel. According to witnesses on the ground, including Pakistani military personnel who saw the whole episode from arrival of the two helos, to the crash of one of them and the departure of the other, no other helos were seen approaching or landing near the OBL compound area. So this begs the question, how did 25 SEALs, one interpreter, one tracking dog, and two pilots from the crashed helo, as well as the body of OBL, fit into one UH-60 Black Hawk helo?

Witnesses in Abbottabad have provided first-hand accounts of the night the White House claimed a major triumph, yet not one person on the ground saw a third helo either in the air or approaching the compound to pick up personnel. This is the greatest hoax of our lifetime.


Moeen has in the past also undertaken an investigation of the President Bush Yellowcake/Iraq claim prior to the Iraq invasion by traveling to the Agadez region of Niger at the same time as Ambassador Joseph Wilson’s mission. 

http://www.globalresearch.ca/mali-s-tuareg-uranium-conspiracy/30118 and Benghazi, Gold for Arms – Libya, Syria, South Sudan and East Africa http://www.waynemadsenreport.com/articles/20161017_2