From that neo-nazi site Counterpunch, CJ Hopkins does a fine job of making a mockery of the sort of reporting the editor has sunk to of late... [b][url=]Where Have All the Nazis Gone?[/url][/b]
[i]As the story goes, back in 2015, Putin and his Russian Nazis, infuriated at us for fomenting a coup with our Ukrainian Nazis on their southern border, finally activated Donald Trump, who they had recruited back in the 1980s (then blackmailed with a sex tape twenty years later) and who had been posing as a narcissistic billionaire ass clown while awaiting the “go code†from his handlers in Moscow. Trump sprang immediately into action, announcing his candidacy on June 16, and set about “emboldening†the millions of American Nazis who had been patiently waiting for the day when a racist New York real estate huckster would rise from the depths of reality television to lead them to victory in RaHoWa, or whatever. Up until Trump announced his run, these American Nazis had been keeping a low profile by having swastikas tattooed on their faces, flying Confederate flags in their yards, burning crosses, posting calls for genocide on Nazi websites, and occasionally murdering people of color and bombing churches and day care centers. Once Trump hit the hustings, however, the Nazis abandoned all restraint and got right down to the business of posting Nazi frogs on social media, touring campuses with Nazi book tours, and gathering in upscale Italian restaurants to be photographed mimicking Hitler-salutes...[/i]