SCHUSCHNIGG IS HELD IN VIENNA, NAZIS SAY Not Taken to Leipzig—Property of Korngold Confiscated Wireless to The NEW YORK TIMES. VIENNA, May 31.—1t was offi- cially announced tonight that for- mer Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg, who - has left his Belvedere apart- ments, was still in Vienna under ‘honorable detention,’”” thus dispos- ing of rumors that hé had been sent to Leipzig or ‘elsewhere' in Germany. Following his broadcast announc- ing his resignation on March 11, Dr. Schuschnigg returned to Bel- vedere, where he remained until last Friday under a detachment of the Elite Guard. His only visitors during that time were his fiancée, his father and his 12-year-old son. The Belvedere apartments will be occupied in the near future by some unidentified Nazi personage. Rumors of the Chancellor's forth- coming trial at Leipzig were de- scribed here as either unfounded or at least ‘‘premature.’”’ It is pointed out that there would be no need to send the Chancellor to Leipzig for trial, since "the Vienna Supreme Court ‘has been ‘‘coordinated.’” Further details of the week-end mass arrests of Jews indicate that the majority were minor personali- ties. Several of them already have been sent to the concentration camp at Dachau. A former Chief of the Legal De- partment in the Ministry of War and one of former Chancellor En- gelbert Dollfuss’s most valued ad- visers, Dr. Robert Hecht, who was arrested immediately after the an- nexation, is reported to have died at Dachau. Dr. Hecht wag particu- larly disliked by the present regime, since he was reported to have ad- vised Chancellor Dollfuss how to suppress the then illegal Nazis. The property of Erich Korngold, famous opera composer, who is at present abroad, was confiscated today. The confiscation of prop- erty of enemies of the present regime—particularly former Heim- wehr and Fatherland Front leaders —continues apace on Gestapo orders. Published: June 1, 1938 |
POLICE RAID CAFES, SEIZE 350 IN BERLIN --- Jews Are Chief Victims in a Hunt for 'Criminal Elements' -- All but 76 Are Freed Wireless to The New York Times BERLIN, Wednesday, June 1. -- Four well-known cafes in the Kur- fuerstandamm patronized chiefly by Jews were raided last night by squads of policemen who said they were looking for "criminal ele- ments." The establishments entered were the Reimann, Dobrin, Wien and Uhllandseck Cafes. They are the leading so-called Jewish cafes on the fashionable boulevard. None of the cafes suffered physi- cal damage, and the large crowds that gathered as policemen com- pelled the patrons to enter waiting motor trucks made no hostile dem- onstration. The raids were carried out by regular and plainclothes po- licemen. No uniformed Nazis par- ticipated. In all, 350 persons, of whom 330 were Jews, were taken to police headquarters. All but seventy-six were released after questioning. Those detained, it was said, were found to have incriminating mate- rial on their persons. At the Propaganda Ministry it was declared that the police had been in search of "dope traffick- ers." It is generally believed, how- ever, that one purpose of the raids was to check up on the clientele of the cafes singled out and to estab- lish whether Jewish patrons were consorting with "Aryans." An- other theory is that the police were hunting for Jews who might have been guilty of violating the foreign exchange regulations. The raids were conducted in an orderly manner and all the cafes searched stayed open until 1 o'clock this morning as usual, although they remained deserted after the police had departed. Published: June 1, 1938 |
The Philadelphia Inquirer Trump's enemies, migrants. No wonder Team Trump is eyeing him as attorney general in 2025. by Will Bunch| Columnist Published American democracy was at a near-breaking point on Jan. 3, 2021, as then-president Donald Trump stepped up his efforts to overturn President Joe Biden’s election victory. Trump’s new plan was to install a fanatical ally named Jeffrey Clark — a virtually unknown Justice Department lawyer — as acting attorney general. Clark had drafted a letter with a blatantly false claim that Justice had found substantial voter fraud in Georgia — with similar letters planned for other key states — in a last- ditch effort to urge state legislatures to replace Biden electors before the Jan. 6 certification. Trump’s dangerous scheme Trump backed down, and — Flash forward three years, The first you might call “resumé On paper, it wouldn’t be a stretch for a In late September, Davis appeared What came next was an agenda Look, we can all agree there’s something “There are a couple people you That’s because Team Trump Now, the driving force for a Last week, Axios reported that a In recent days, Trump has increasingly Mike Davis is a sad example of how To be sure, there are still That’s why the time to talk |