I have enjoyed the WMR for several years now. You are the premier investigative reporter in the free world, in my opinion. -- Elyria, OH
Thank you for the important and excellent work you do! -- Dunsmuir, CA
Thanks for all that you do to "uncover" the things that are most important to us! -- Elkton, FL
WMR is as indispensible to me in the morning as espresso. It focuses the mind while planting the feet on the ground. -- New York, NY
I've enjoyed your web site since discovering it in September 2006. -- New York, NY
I love your site the best! -- Carlsbad, CA
I have gotten a lot of useful information from your postings in the past and am looking to more in the future. Keep up the good work. -- Oakdale, CA
Keep up the good work. You are an excellent investigative journalist. So called MSM are nothing but shills. Should call them "state-run media." -- Chicago, IL
I have enjoyed reading the Madsen Report because I believe it is not just "public relations" reporting. It appears to report on the raw facts. Thank you for providing this type of reporting. -- Silver Spring, MD
. . . thank you for your years of honest reporting. -- Cambridge, UK
Know in your heart we're out here with you. -- Nolanville, TX
Thanks for your courage -- Point Roberts, WA