Past Significant News - 2011

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The Israelification of American law enforcement. We're all Palestinians now.

War clouds over Iran. Neo-cons re-group for another Israeli-inspired war on a Muslim nation.

Meet the Donmeh: One of the most influential sects you've never heard about. And meet their Saudi cousins.

Obama must return to his 2010 support for a separate Palestinian state. OP-ED by WMR editor.

Pentagon's next stop: Pakistan. Obama's war express moving in on Pakistan.

Francis Biden, Joe's bro, says white powder mailed from India. But, Francis, after your brother told those Miami rabbis that Jonathan Pollard would be released to Israel "over my dead body," it was easy for those Chabad House gangsters to mail a little gift from Mumbai and send Joe a message through your own mailbox. Remember, our Vice President was showered with broken shards of glass from Bibi Netanyahu as a warning.
Biden to Florida rabbis: Obama will release Israeli spy Pollard "over my dead body." Hey, Joe, you should know that with the Israelis, that option always remains. Keep your head down, Joe, and watch out for white vans.

Now that didn't take long for the Mossad boys to react: Francis Biden, Joe Biden's brother, receives  suspicious package containing white powder. Francis Biden lives in Ocean Ridge, Florida: 30 miles north of Fort Lauderdale and right inside "Ground Zero" for those Israeli art students active prior to 9/11. Two unidentified people taken to the hospital. Joe Biden was visiting south Florida at the time of the incident involving his brother's home.

Certain neo-colonialist nations fear recognition of Palestinian independence will open door for recognition of Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Somaliland, South Ossetia, Transnistria, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Western Sahara. Israel has pushed these fears in its lobbying blitzkrieg.

Pepper-spraying Tony Baloney cited in GOP convention police brutality. Mayor Bloomberg makes no move to discipline or restrain cops. Well, Bloomberg, you should know that undefined and your gilded sorry ass should be hanging from it!
Israel continues to rely on polemics. Netanyahu's shameful UN speech.
Legendary singer Tony Bennett forced to apologize after 9/11 remarks. Bennett: "They flew the plane in, but we caused it." Don't apologize Tony. You, I, and millions of Americans know who caused 9/11 and who carried it out." Tony Bennett, "The Good Life," 1963, the year that fascism gained its first major toehold in America on one autumn day in Dallas.

9/11 and the Strategy of Tension. Cui bono from 9/11?

9/11: Unanswered Questions. Biggest conspiracy theory is the now-discredited 9/11 Commission Report.

Hebrew FBI translator Shamai Leibowitz gets 20 months in prison for revealing FBI wiretaps of Israeli spies in America. Leibowitz, like Thomas Drake, tried to warn of criminal conduct inside the US government. In the case of Leibowitz, he was trying to blow the whistle on Israeli espionage at the highest levels of the US government and the failure of the FBI to prosecute the perpetrators (because of that pesky "Jewish" thing that gives the perps a "get-out-of-jail-free" card). Leibowitz also appears to have been lured into a trap by a blogger (shades of Bradley Mannking being entrapped by Adrian Lamo). The blogger decided to burn the FBI transcripts on how pervasive Israeli spying is inside the United States. On this 9/11 tenth anniversary week, let us not forget the role that Israeli spies played in the attacks. Leibowitz, Drake, and Manning all deserve full presidential pardons and presidential freedom medals but they won't even get close with the CIA's biological and psychological chimera Obama in the White House.

Per above story, one of the greatest threats to America now as it was on 9/11/01 is Israel. Not our opinion but that of the US embassy in Tel Aviv.

Baburam Bhattarai, Maoist deputy leader, becomes Nepal's new Prime Minister. State Department neocon spokes-shrew Victoria Nuland congratulates Bhattarai. Nuland will wet her panties when she finds out who Bhattarai reads: "Dr. Bhattarai refers to an important web article by Wayne Madsen, CounterPunch columnist and a former naval officer who used to work for the NSA."
Rupert meets the spymasters. Murdoch's criminality conducted with a wink and nod from his intelligence and law enforcement pals.

Sacking of Turkish top military officers appears to have been something more serious -- perhaps the suppression of an attempted military coup by Ergenekon holdouts. Reuters/Rothschild calls Ergenekon an "alleged conspiracy." There's nothing alleged about the Rothschild/Israeli connection to Ergenekon and the Turkish Donmeh. Turkey's situation linked to Breivik and his Zio-Nazi network: Breivik had a keen interest in Ergenekon's tactics.   A European-wide set of coups appears to have been in the Zio-Nazi playbook -- Breivik also sought to launch a coup against Norwegian government and King Harald V.   Breivik refuses to divulge other cells but he had traveled to several countries: Sweden, Denmark, UK, Germany, Poland, Belarus (where he underwent paramilitary training), France, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Switzerland, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, US (where he allegedly visited for two months last year Lake Elmo, Minnesota, the home of Bachmann & Associates, the "de-gaying" clinic owned by Marcus Bachmann, husband of GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann), Turkey, Mexico, China, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire and Liberia. Cyprus has seen political instability since a massive explosion of a weapons cache at its main naval base, which also destroyed Cyprus's main power plant forcing blackouts. President Demetris Christofiasis the first president from the Communist AKEL Party. From Norway to Turkey and Cyprus, a connected network, with links to Israel, appears to be targeting nations that support Palestinian sovereignty.

Jackie Kennedy believed LBJ was involved in conspiracy to assassinate her husband. That makes Mrs. Kennedy a "conspiracy theorist," a term used by the elites to criticize those who expose the truth. For WMR, the "CT" charges have never carried any weight. Those who throw around the "CT" term are pathetic and annoying drones for the national security state and they and their Internet postings and articles deserve only derision and condemnation.
Meet the new sheriff of Asia. This sheriff wears five stars.

Shove your condolences Shimon Peres

Shimon Peres on Jul 24 -- REUTERS President Shimon Peres on Sunday called Norwegian King Harald V to express his condolences over Friday's shooting spree and bomb attack that left 98 people dead in Norway. "Your country is a symbol of peace and freedom," Peres told the king according to an official statement. "In Israel we followed the events over the weekend in Norway and the attack on innocent civilians broke our hearts. It is a painful tragedy that touches every human being."

The same Shimon Peres was reported to have said on May 15: "Norway is the most anti-Semitic country in the West." Peres was reacting to Norway's pro-Palestinian foreign and Israel boycott and divestment policies.

At the same time, the Norwegian Embassy in Washington received a letter from a group of U.S. Jews urging a boycott of Norwegian salmon and Voss water.

The Anders Behring Breivik cells in Norway made common cause with the right-wing global Zionist agenda of Islamophobia, racism, anti-Palestinian sovereignty, and opposition to socialist and leftist political parties. And the terrorist attacks in Norway most definitely had the signature of past Mossad outrages.
The nations of the Nordic Union should, together, impose a unified boycott on Israel in response to the Israeli intelligence service's blatant act of aggression on peace-loving Norway.

Post-script: Iceland was recently accused of anti-Semitism by Israel, in the same manner Norway received similar accusations from Israeli officials prior to Breivik's terrorist actions. Now, from Hull, England, a report that a heavy Icelandic statue honoring British sailors was stolen by a team of five men.

Breivik is son of former Norwegian diplomat, stepson of Norwegian military officer. The "lone wolf" has connections. And Israel's hasbara force counters charges that Mossad was behind Norway attacks -- Israel would only respond if a nerve was hit. A deep nerve was hit. Polish connection to Breivik investigated.

French police raid home of Breivik's father. The "lone wolf" theory is falling apart by the minute.

Israel responds to Mossad-Oslo link. "Anti-Zionists" blamed for charges linking Tel Aviv to Oslo attacks.

London Mayor Boris Johnson, a Tory Zionist installed by Rupert Murdoch's machine, insists that Anders Breivik is a neo-Nazi when, in fact, he is a Zionist. Johnson spins enough Israeli cotton cloth to provide a T-shirt each for the entire population of London.

Israel accuses Iceland of "anti-semitism." Similar charges by the Jewish state presaged the Mossad attacks in Oslo. Reykjavik and Akureyri should be on full alert for non-Arab "Middle Eastern looking," "Mediterranean looking," and "dark-haried non-Nordic-looking" individuals. All three are "politically-correct" international law enforcement code phrases for Israelis.

New Zealand Prime Minister Key on hot seat after Mossad spy scandal. Unofficial Israeli quake rescue team was found inside Christchurch's main police station after quake. John Key has all the tell-tale signs of being a Mossad sleeper agent. New Zealand is a partner of the UK-USA signals intelligence alliance, which means Israel has access to all the signals intercepts of New Zealand's Government Security Communications Bureau -- and that means access to all the diplomatic and cell phone communications of the South Pacific states -- valuable for Israel's intimidation program in the UN General Assembly targeting the small island states.

Indian parliamentarian says Mossad and CIA behind latest Mumbai terrorist attack. Israel poses a clear and present danger to the entire world.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan calls Israel "spoiled" and "inhuman." The way to deal with any spoiled brat, especially one that kills innocent Turks and Norwegians, is to plant a big boot up their ass, deliver a debilitating blow that they will feel for years.

First Hugo Chavez and now Canada's New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton have cancer. Who is playing around with cancer delivery weapons? The CIA's Sidney Gottlieb pioneered in the research.

Israel looks to renounce Oslo Accords. Israel renounced Oslo when it attacked the city in a blatant act of war against Norway.

After Oslo: Time to crack down on Mossad terrorism. Israel's powerful global hasbara (propaganda) machine working overtime to eliminate Israeli connection to carnage in Norway.

New Zealand Prime Minister Key on hot seat after Mossad spy scandal.
Unofficial Israeli quake rescue team was found inside Christchurch's main police station after quake. John Key has all the tell-tale signs of being a Mossad sleeper agent. New Zealand is a partner of the UK-USA signals intelligence alliance, which means Israel has access to all the signals intercepts of New Zealand's Government Security Communications Bureau -- and that means access to all the diplomatic and cell phone communications of the South Pacific states -- valuable for Israel's intimidation program in the UN General Assembly targeting the small island states.
Indian parliamentarian says Mossad and CIA behind latest Mumbai terrorist attack. Israel poses a clear and present danger to the entire world.

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan calls Israel "spoiled" and "inhuman." The way to deal with any spoiled brat, especially one that kills innocent Turks and Norwegians, is to plant a big boot up their ass, deliver a debilitating blow that they will feel for years.

First Hugo Chavez and now Canada's New Democratic Party leader Jack Layton have cancer. Who is playing around with cancer delivery weapons? The CIA's Sidney Gottlieb pioneered in the research.

Israel looks to renounce Oslo Accords. Israel renounced Oslo when it attacked the city in a blatant act of war against Norway.

After Oslo: Time to crack down on Mossad terrorism. Israel's powerful global hasbara (propaganda) machine working overtime to eliminate Israeli connection to carnage in Norway.

Poor Barack Obama, after caving on every social safety net program and other public health and welfare program implemented by presidents since Teddy Roosevelt, and hacking off the Democratic Party in the process, he has to get his right-wing allies to carry his water on his ties to the CIA. How pathetic Barack, you keep convincing some of the "Right-tards" that you are a Socialist and even you may start believing that fairy tale. 

Cyprus's top banker urges more "austerity" after explosion at Cypriot naval base. We now have our chief suspects in the explosion aimed at toppling Cyprus's Communist president: the Cypriot banking shysters. Round them up and hang them.

Suspicious activites by Mossad agents in New Zealand following Christchurch quake. One Israeli, a suspected Mossad agent, died in quake and was found with five passports. The surviving Mossad agents were traveling in a van and then fled NZ. Just like the five Israelis nabbed in New Jersey on 9/11. NZ Prime Minister John Key, who is Jewish, spoke to Netanyahu four times on the day of the quake, as if Key had nothing else to worry about the same day as a devastating quake in New Zealand's second largest city. Key's own intelligence service warned him of a major problem with security of NZ computer systems and the Israeli team. Suffice to say, Key's loyalties should be questioned in this entire matter. Every nation in the world should be constantly vigilant of all Israelis, no matter how well-intentioned they may appear. Vet first and then trust (to a degree). Key refuses to comment while traveling in California. Maybe he's doing a little "cremation of care" at Bohemian Grove. Key says Israelis were not Mossad agents: Of course, after Key got his marching orders from Jerusalem and Henry Kissiinger sidled up to him at what Richard Nixon called the "faggoty" Bohemian Grove meet-up, grabbed Key's shmeckle, and told him to repeat to himself: "There's no such thing as Mossad, there's no such thing as Mpssad." Key just pulled the rug out from under the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, which knows otherwise.

Who decides on nation-states? South Sudan, yes. Palestine, no. Kosovo, yes, Abkhazia, no. East Timor, yes, Somaliland, no.

NATO's "Drang Nach Osten" ("Thrust to the East"). NATO is accomplishing what Adolf Hitler could only dream of. 

Tim cloaking proven in experiment. Cloaking devices and time travel next? Even the United Federation of Planets banned cloaking devices, not so the Pentagon, count on it.

Roger Ebert: Murdoch destroyed the Chicago Sun-Times. Mike Royko said Murdoch's papers were not "fit to wrap fish in" while ensconced on his stool at the Billy Goat Tavern. Royko called Murdoch "The Alien." Aliens (the outer space kind) are much nicer looking that the nebbish Murdoch.

Greece's sovereignty diminished by pact with banksters. Prime Minister George Papandreou is the son of the late Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou, a Trotskyite, Harvard PhD alum, former U.S. citizen, and U.S. Navy veteran. Which means two things, never trust a "Trot" and just like another Harvard man we know, George Papandreou was likely spawned by a CIA foreign influence program.

FBI surveillance drove Ernest Hemingway to suicide. Hemingway friend misjudged extent of FBI surveillance. Personal note: When this editor was in Key West in 1976, it was well known that the FBI posted three agents at "Sloppy Joe's," Hemingway's hangout. "Papa" often told friends the place was crawling with FBI and his friends thought he was paranoid. That made Hemingway a "conspiracy theorist," but one who was telling the truth.

Misadventures in Paradise. Behind the "constitutional coup" in Vanuatu.

Blackwater murderer of Afghan man receives only 30 months for manslaughter. Petraeus injected himself into court proceedings. Obama's DOJ will try to give Blagojevich more prison time than this. Which means that if Blagojevich had merely killed Rahm Emanuel rather than curse him out on the phone, he would've gotten less time in prison and performed a great public service at the same time.

First contact by 2031: director of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Applied Astronomy Institute says Earth will have first contact with alien civilization. Hopefully, when Janet Napolitano and John Pistole check their genitals, they will discover they double as flesh-eating organs.

WMR report on Mossad being behind assassinations, including by airplanbe crashes, of Russian, Turkish, Iraqi, and Iranian nuclear scientists front page news in Turkey. Article in Turkish. Article in Turkish.

Israel threatens bans on flghts from Denmark. Israel demanded special "security zones" for Israeli armed personnel at Copenhagen's Kastrup Airport. Denmark should only allow Israeli security personnel at its airport if it wants remotely-controlled passenger planes diving into Tivoli Garden and Amalienborg Palace.

International Criminal Court orders arrests of Qaddafi and son. The first person to issue an arrest warrant for Osama Bin Laden was Muammar Qaddafi. The International Criminal Court never indicted or ordered the arrest of Bin Laden, because he had been on the payroll of the CIA and MI-6 into at least the mid-1990s. If Qaddafi ever goes on trial, one document: this Libyan INTERPOL RED NOTICE for the arrest of Bin Laden, will be an embarrassment for NATO, the ICC, and the United States. Curiously, the RED NOTICE asks for the extradition of Bin Laden from any country other than Israel. Why would any country, particularly Libya, even suspect that Bin Laden could have ever been in Israel? Obama, the CIA operative in the White House, had to stage the phony death of Bin Laden to clear the path for the possible capture and trial of Qaddafi. Bin Laden is dead and dead men tell no tales.

David Cameron's "rock," Christopher Shale, found dead in portable toilet at Glastonbury Festival. Shale found dead after he wrote a scathing memo about his Conservative Party's dismal future.
Greece being sold off to the banking shysters. The capitalist bloated swine are out to own everything and everyone. New York Times is a bit late with this story, WMR reported on this on June 9.

Rixos Hotel security guard in Tripoli may have been shot by rebel sniper. Libyan TV host Dr Youssef Shakeer is staying at the hotel with his family following death threats from rebels. WMR editor appeared with Dr. Shakeer on Libyan TV in Tripoli and also received threatening emails afterward.

The outsourcing of influence-peddling to the Israeli Lobby. Case in point: Georgia and Abkhazia.

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  August 25-26, 2011 -- ON-TOPIC DAILY CHAT Blog
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