2,000 Storm Troopers Face
Summary Inquiry Being
Conducted at Munich.

Executed Leader Said to Have
Enlisted 100,000 Men With-
out Knowledge of Hitler.

MUNICH, July 19.—The recent
warning of Viktor Lutze, chief of
staff of the Storm Troops, to would-
be informers—in which he men-
tioned that plotters within the
‘party were already being dealt’
with—has led to the disclosure that
since the Cabinet meeting in Berlin
July 4 there has existed a Nazi

It is composed of two Special
Guard officers and one represen-
tative of Chancellor Hitler, ‘believed
to be Rudolf Hess, deputy Nazi
leader. This court-martial has been
sitting in Munich for the last fort-
night, and it is said on authority
that seems reliable that there are
at least 2,000 cases before it.

Prison Camp Overflows.

The concentration camp at
Dachau ig filled to overflowing with
brown-shirted prisoners. Normaily
the camp holds 2,700 men. Re-
cently tents had to be added to its
permanent buildings for the addi-
tional prisoners taken there.

It is an interesting fact, supposed
to have some connection with the
cleaning-up process, that ordinary
policemen have replaced the Spe-
cial Guards who previously guard-
ed the camp.

The most frequent punishment in-
flicted by the court-martial appears
to be expulsion from the Storm
Troops, and the Ministry of the In-
terior has ordered that the expul-
sion order be entered upon the
personal records of the men con-
cerned. This will prevent them
from obtaining future posts in the
police, the army or any public or-

The court-martial is said to have
developed the information that in
the last few months about 100,000
Storm Troopers have been enlisted
without being properly registered
as members. The purpose is sup-
posed to have been to collect funds
for the late Captain Ernst Roehm's
purposes, since no accounting had
to be made of the fees paid, and
to create for him a larger private

Published: July 20, 1934

Berlin Prelate Gets No Reply
to Query on Execution of
Klauasener, Catholic Leader.

BERLIN, July 19.--Bishop Bares
of Berlin has appealed to Chancel-
lor Hitler for an explanation of the
‘shooting of Erich Klausener, head
of the Catholic Action, by the black
Hitler guards on June 30. To date
he has received no reply.

An indication that the govern-
ment had no definite charges
against Dr. Klausener, however,
can be seen in the fact that the
Catholic Diocesan Journal last Sun-
day, which carried a series of eulo-
gies of the dead Catholic leader,
was first confiscated and then re-
leased one and a half hour later.

Bishop Bares first sought infor-
mation regarding Dr. Klausener's
death by sending his vicar general
to the Reich Minister of the In-
terior, Wilhelm Frick. The Minis-
ter referred him to Premier Her-
mann Goering of Prussia, stating
that he knew nothing about the af-
fair and only the Prussian secret
police would be able to say any-

A letter to General Goering, how-
ever, brought no reply, and the
Bishop decided to appeal directly to
the Chancellor.

The New York Times

Published: July 20, 1934


Mehdi Hasan Sarcastically
Torches Potential Trump
AG's Chilling Vows About

Tue, November 21, 2023

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan on Monday hit
back at conservative lawyer and
activist Mike Davis, after Davis vowed
to deport the journalist if Donald Trump
wins the 2024 election and Davis is
named attorney general ― as multiple
Trump insiders have reportedly pitched.

Hasan on his show Sunday highlighted
“Davis’ threats to send journalists to
the D.C. gulag” and “his repeated calls
on social media for his followers to
‘arm up against the violent Black
underclass,’” during a segment on the
extremist figures who may carry
out Trump’s radical agenda in a
potential second term.

Davis responded on X, the platform
formerly known as Twitter.


Mike Davis
Trump’s Dream Team. @mehdirhasan
is now on my Lists 2 (indict),
4 (detain), 6 (denaturalize),
and 3 (deport).

I already have his spot picked out
in the DC gulag. But I’ll put him
in the women’s cell block, with
@Timodc. So these whiny leftists
don’t get beat up as often.


Davis wrote that the British-American
Hasan is now on his lists to be
indicted, detained, denaturalized
and deported.

“I already have his spot picked
out in the DC gulag,” the possible
Cabinet member wrote. “But I’ll put
him in the women’s cell block,
with @Timodc [former Republican
National Committee spokesperson
Tim Miller]. So these whiny
leftists don’t get beat up as often.”

Hasan sarcastically responded:
“Nothing to see here, just the
former [Supreme Court Justice Neil]
Gorsuch law clerk touted as Trump’s
next attorney-general, threatening
to indict, detain, & deport me
(for what?) & put Tim Miller,
who is gay, in a women’s prison.”

“Nothing at all unconstitutional,
fascistic, or bigoted about any
of this,” he added.

Huffpost, 21 Nov. 2023