publication date: Nov 23, 2023
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Nation-Wide Rejoicing Over
the Saar’s Returns Eclipses
Previous Festivities.


March to Hear Speeches From
Saarbruecken — Hitler Is
Acclaimed in Villages.


BERLIN, March 11.—Speeches,
blaring bands and yet more
speeches roared out in a mighty
“welcome home’ of the Saar
throughout Germany today and
nightfall saw the trail of festivities
illumined by the flare of countless
torchlight parades. The police lid
was ordered off for all Germany
for this night and Saar wines were
designated as the official libation.

As a day of national rejoicing the
Saar’'s homecoming just about
eclipsed any previous Nazi holiday
and afforded the Nazi ingenuity for
publicity and propaganda full scope
for development. In Berlin the
demonstration drew crowds esti-
mated at 500,000 to the Lustgarten
and to the scores of loud-speakers
that had been rigged up in various
parts of the city for the broadcast
from Saarbruecken.

Beriin sent up its flag at 10:25
this morning following a signal
flashed from Saarbruecken. Before
that the metropolis had paused for
& moment of silence.

Hears Speeches From Saar.

Shortly after noon long lines of
Nazi formations moved in from the
city’s periphery to the Lustgarten,
where they remained massed for
several hours listening to the broad-
cast from Saarbruecken. The latter
inciuded lengthy speeches by Rudolf
Hess, Chancellor Hitler's deputy as
leader of the Nazi party; Dr. Paul
Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of
Pronaganda, and Joseph Buerckel,
who will govern the Saar, and a
friendly oentimental peroration by
Herr Hitler.

The Chancellor's decision to par-
ticipate in the ceremonies in Saar-

bruccken remained a secret until.
he arrived at the former Saar fron-
tier shortly before noon. Accom-
panied by his personal staff and by
Colonel Franz von Papen, the Ger-
man Minister to Austria, who is a
Saar resident, he hopped off in his
big Junker plane shortly before 8
A. M. and arrived at Mannheim
two hours later.

From there the party motored
through the Palatinate past gayly:
festooned villages and hamlets,
Herr Hitler acknowledging greet-
ings standing at the wheel of his

Berlin was within earshot of the
Saarbruecken ceremony from the
time Dr. Wilhelm Frick, the Minis-
ter of the Interior, took over the
Saar for the Reich at 10 A. M. un-
til the conclusion of Chancellor Hit-
ler’s speech.

The New Hork Times

Published: March 2, 1935


Adoring Throngs Break Police
Lines in Saarbruecken in
His Greatest Triumph.


Says Transfer of Territory
May Have Ended the Crisis
Between Two Nations.


500,000 Attend Demonstration in
Berlin as Nazis Stage Most
Enthusiastic Fete.

Special Cable to TEE NEW York TIMES.

March 1.—The Saar became Ger-
man again today amid a frenzy of
enthusiasm rarely seen even in the
old Germany, amid a forest of flags
and in streets decorated with green-
ery, and to the accompaniment of
day-long cheering such as one might
expect would leave every Saar-
lander voiceless for a week.

It is gtill at white heat, this en-
thusiasm, late tonight, with throngs
jn the cafés and beer halls and the
streets thick with parading crowds:
that do not want to go to bed, but
to stay up forever singing “Deutsch
Ist die Saar—Immer Dar’ [‘“Ger-
man Is the Saar—Forever”].

When it seemed that the excite-
ment had reached its height at mid-
day and enthusiasm could mount
no higher, Chancellor Hitler ar-
rived by motor car from Mannheim,
having flown there unheralded!
from Berlin. Then the enthusiasm]
became a frenzy of excitement and
positive nysteria.

Lines Are Broken.

The lines of black-uniformed spe-
cial guards and Brown Shirts with
arms interlocked brought to the
number of several thousands from
Germany to keep the streets open
broke like ropes of straw under the
pressure of the throngs of Saar-
landers. Roys and girls thronged
about the Leader to touch him or
merely to see him at close range,
women wept hysterically and men.
cheered themselves hoarse. Never
in all his exciting career has Herr
Hitler experienced such a triumph.

Before the Chancellor left his
motor car at the Town Hall it was
just the same and apparently the
experience greatly moved him, used
as he is to hysterical worship. As
the car moved slowly through the
crowds he stood in it bareheaded,
hand at the salute, smiling from
side to side. It was long before
the car could reach its destination.
‘When Herr Hitler left it and stood
in full view, the crowd became un--

This was the crowning moment in
the day-long scenes of parades and
ceremonial speeches inside and out-
side official buildings, in which
most of the high officials of Nazi
Germany participated.

In an address Herr Hitler de-
clared that the return of the Saar
paved the way for Franco-German
reconciliation, and that it was quite
possible it had ended the crisis
from which the two nations had

Thera was only one notable ab-
sentee from the celebration—Gen-
eral Hermann Wilhelm Goering,
the Prussian Premier and Reich
Air Minister. Why he was not
present no one seemed able author-
itatively to explain, The favorite
theory advanced was that it was
desirable for some Nazi official of
the highest standing to remain on
guard in Berlin, that nothing might
be left to chance, and General Goer-
ing had elected to see that the cele-
bration in the ‘capital went off ac-
cording to schedule.

The Transfer Ceremony.

The actual ceremony of handing
over the Saar territory to the Ger-
man representatives took place
early this morning, At the former
residence of Geoffrey G. Knox,
president of the retiring Saar gov-
erning commission, Baron Pompeo
Aloisi and the two other members of
his committee of three on behalf of
the League of Nations government
in the Saar, presented the official
keys to the representatives of the:
Reich, Dr. Wilhelm Frick, the
Minister of the Interior, and Joseph
Buerckel, Herr Hitler's plenipoten-
tiary for the Saar.

Short addresses exchanged be-
tween the two parties in French
and German expressed gratification
that today’s historic event had re-
moved the element of unrest from
the territory and hope that it would
contribute to the pacification of
Europe. -

An hour later the first official em-
blems of the Third Reich in the
Saar—the black-white-red and swas-
tika flags—were hoisted outside the
building hitherto occupied by the
League's governing commission.
The ceremony was repeated at the
offices of the French directorate
of the Saar coal mines.

Dr. Frick declared that the cere-
mony was a symbol of victory and
liberty and of the hour of libera-
tion of the Saar and that it was to
be regarded as an%ath by Germans
that they wished to be free iike
their forefathers and would never
suffer German territory to be taken
from them again.

Most of the Nazi ministers were
then present or arrived a little

The Town Hall then became the
scene of Herr Buerckel’'s inaugu-
ration as Reich commissioner for
the new Saar province. Dr, Frick
expressed the thanks of the Ger-
man Government and nation to the
Saarlanders, especially the Saar
officials, for their unswerving
loyalty to the Reich.

Finally addressing Herr Buerckel
personally, he pointed out that it
was his highly responsible duty to
put Chancellor Hitler's will and
the National Socialist ideals into
practice in the Third Reich’s new
province, which itself was charged
with becoming the mediator to
establish good neighborly relations
between Germany and France.

It was then that the news of Herr
Hitler’s coming began to spread
through the city. The rumor passed
like lightning through the dense
masses lining the streets, and with
his appearance the frenzy became
beyond control.

As soon as space could be cleared
for him, the Fuehrer moved freely
to and fro, exchanging greetings
with the enthusiastic crowd. Im-
mediately afterward the head of
the columns of some 50,000 police
and members of uniformed organ-
izations from the Reich appeared.
For almost an hour they marched
past, sometimes almost unheeded,
as the Saarlanders clamored for
Herr Hitler.

“We want to get nearer our
Fuehrer!"”’ they shouted in chorus.
Then the Chancellor spoke, not at
great length, for it was impossible,
and he spoke only of loyalty, coop-
eration and peace.

This evening another large dem-
onstration was addressed by Herr
Hitler, Rudolf Hess, his deputy as
leader of the Nazi party; Dr. Paul
Joseph Goebbels, the Minister of
Propaganda, and Herr Buerckel.

The leader expressed his happi-
ness at being among “my Saar-
landers’ on the first day of their
liberation. Today’s great historic
event, he said, was not only a day
of happiness for Germany but for
the whole of Europe. He hoped it
would lead to improvement of the
relations between France and the

This was only a beginning and
much remained to be accomplished,
“he declared, but let the Saar re-
main loyal to the new Reich as
Germany had been loyal to herself,
despite all adversities, in the last
fifteen years.

Drunk with happiness is a good
description of the Saar tonight. It
may be hoped that there will be no
after-effects. Certainly today all
the speeches have invoked only
loyalty, friendship, toleration and

IN THE SAAR. Times Wide World Photo.

Workmen placing the insignia of the
Nazi Reich on a custom house
with the return of the territory to
the Fatherland.



Karlsruhe Speech, Opening the
Campaign, Brands Fear and
Hate as Senseless.


Fuehrer Disavows Territorial
Ambitions—Accuses Soviet
of ‘Interference.’

The principal parts of Hitler's
speech are printed on Page 14.


BERLIN, March 12.—Chancellor
Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Karls-
ruhe, tonight backed up his seven-
point peace program and justified
his denunciation of the Locarno
pact and his troop invasion of the
demilitarized Rhineland zone.

“I can assure you,” he said,
“that nothing, certainly nothing in’
the world, can move us to renounce’
thiS sovereignty.” |

He made a challenging appeal to
"the electorate of Baden for undiv-
ided support of his procedure. The
speech marked the Fuehrer’s en-
try into the campaign for a plebis-
cite on March 29, when the Ger-
man people will be asked to pro-
nounce judgment on National So-
cialism’ s performance in office
since it took over the government
‘three years ago.

Hitler, it is reported, will not con-
tent himself with an endorsing vote
totaling less than 90 Per cent of
that cast and better than that he
has consistently rolled up in previ-
ous referendums. The Nazi party,
which is in charge of the election
machine, has received a warning
to that effect.

40,000 Hear His Speech

The Fuehrer spoke under a huge
tent to 40,000 persons in one of the
leading urban centers of the re-
militarized zone. Karlsruhe is one
of the cities that the Germans
claim are more immediately men-
aced by France's ever-ready can-
non beyond the Rhine than is
Strasbourg by the German big guns
which do not yet exist.

The Fuehrer’'s speech reflected a
pronouncedly conciliatory tone. It
was obviously addressed to France.
“Hands across the Rhine” was its
recurring motif, The German peo-
ple, he asserted, want to live in
peace with the French people.

“I know what Germany wants,”
he said, ‘and I know also what
bolshevism wants. What I earnest-
ly desire to know is what France

He wags even more vitriolic in
assailing bolshevism than in his
Reichstag speech last Saturday.
His castigation of Russia won him
thunders of applause.

His speech was liberally inter-
larded with peace sentiments. He
much preferred, he said, to spend
the cost of a giant shell on a work-
ing man’s home,

The New York Times

Published: March 13, 1936


Trump rally draws massive
crowd in
heavily Republican
part of South Carolina

Jul 2, 2023

PICKENS, S.C. (AP) — Former President
Donald Trump marked a return to the
large-scale rallies of his previous
presidential campaigns, speaking
to a massive crowd gathered
in the streets of a small
South Carolina city on a blazing
summer weekend.

“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be to
kick off the Fourth of July weekend
than right here on Main Street,
with thousands of hardworking
South Carolina patriots who believe
in God, family and country,”
Trump said Saturday to a roaring
crowd in downtown Pickens as
temperatures climbed into the 90s.

Randal J. Beach, the police
chief in the conservative Upstate
community of about 3,400 residents,
told The Associated Press on Sunday
that his estimates of the crowd
“were somewhere between

The heavily Republican area is a
popular one for GOP hopefuls as they
aim to attract support for South
Carolina’s first-in-the-South
presidential primary. In recent
months, other candidates including
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former
Vice President Mike Pence and
biotech entrepreneur Vivek
Ramaswamy have all held events
in the Upstate, as well as the
two South Carolinians in the
race: former Gov. Nikki Haley
and Sen. Tim Scott.

But none drew an audience like
Trump, whose appearance
effectively shuttered Pickens’
quintessential Southern downtown.

Contrasted with his 2016 and
2020 campaigns, which drew
thousands to rallies in states
across the country, Trump’s
2024 effort has been markedly
different. Earlier this year,
instead of addressing voters
in a gymnasium or airplane
hangar, Trump held his first
South Carolina campaign
event inside the Statehouse
in Columbia, rolling out his
state leadership team at an
invitation-only gathering in
an ornate lobby between the
House and Senate chambers.

In other states, the former
president has focused his efforts
on smaller events, including a
series of speeches before state
party organizations, as he works
to bolster his standing with
delegates and local officials.

This was only Trump’s second
large rally of the 2024 campaign.
In March, he rallied in Waco, Texas, 
disparaging the prosecutors then
investigating him on hush-money
charges — on which he was later
indicted — and predicting his
vindication. A planned outdoor
rally in Iowa in May was canceled
due to tornado warnings.

The rallies are also expensive
to put on, although Trump has
continued to bring in millions
in fundraising, after both the
New York indictment and also
federal charges related to his
retention of classified documents
after leaving the White House.
Last month, senior Trump aide
Chris LaCivita told the conservative
Ruthless podcast that the
rallies “are half a million bucks a pop.”

Trump’s campaign has also leaned
in on unannounced stops at
restaurants — such as at a
celebrated Philadelphia
cheesesteak restaurant Friday or
Versailles, a famous Cuban
eatery in Miami — in a bid to
showcase his strong appeal
among supporters
despite the multiple legal

In a broad GOP field that has
continued to grow, Trump’s campaign
has pointed to polls showing him
with a considerable lead over
his rivals, despite a campaign
schedule that is far less robust
than many of his rivals. He has
also given frequent media
interviews and appeared at
many of the multi-candidate
events of the primary season
so far, including this past week’s
Moms for Liberty gathering in

Still, the chance to see the former
president in person drew thousands
from across the Southeast for
Saturday’s rally, with attendees
beginning to line up the night
before, and coming from as far
as Florida. Greg Pressley and his
wife, Robin, said they drove more
than three hours from their
home in eastern Tennessee to
see the candidate they’ve
supported since his first run in 2016.

“Donald Trump’s the best president
in history,” Greg Pressley said.
“I love his policies. I love the man.
I’m here to support him getting back
to where he needs to be, to begin with.”

Shelley Fox of Spartanburg, who said
she has supported Trump since
he entered the 2016 race, said
she didn’t feel it necessary to even
think about any other candidates
for next year’s election.

“I’d write him in,” she said,
when asked what she would
do if forced to consider another
hopeful. “No question — I’d
write him in.”

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