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New WMR Special Studies Report: Europe's New Political Landscape.
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Watch Unthinkable: An Airline Captain's Story
, largely based on WMR's reports on the "suicide" of 9/11 author and retired commercial airline pilot Phil Marshall.

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Unthinkable: An Airline Captain's Story

". . . there are certainly enough oddities in the incident it ['Unthinkable'] tries to dramatize to have made for a decent conspiracy theory film.Randall Paul portrays the main character, who for the film is renamed Marshall Philips. Dennis Fitzpatrick is the investigative journalist who is suspicious of official explanations (Wayne Madsen, also renamed). The film is subtitled 'An Airline Captain’s Story' because Mr. Marshall was once a pilot, an experience that made him skeptical of the accepted version of the Sept. 11 attacks . . .  - Neil Genzlinger, Movie Critic, New York Times, April 10, 2014.


New book: The Betrayal of the Scorpion and Poet. Discover the cover-up of the sinking of two U.S. ships during the Cold War: the USS Scorpion, a nuclear-powered submarine. and the SS Poet. a U.S.-flagged Merchant Marine vessel. This is a tale of plausible deniability, expendable U.S. servicemen, and, in the case of the Poet, treason and murder. Make this a "must read" for the upcoming Memorial Day & Independence Day observances. And remember Father's Day.

The Betrayal of the Scorpion and Poet

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